Discover Your Unique Path to Purpose, Meaning & Fulfillment
From: Tina Su
Hi there,
If you are feeling lost or stuck with what to do with your life, then this is going to be a phenomenal treat for you.
Discover You Now is an in-depth digital workshop, created as an updated and expanded version of my essay entitled “Life on Purpose: 15 Questions to Discover Your Personal Mission”.
For many years, I was stuck in a job and life routine that left me feeling empty inside. My head was filled with unanswered questions, “Why am I in this world? What is the point? What am I here for? What is my life purpose? Is there more to life than this?”
After all… I worked hard, went to a good school, got good grades and now worked at a well-paying and stable job. I should be happy right?
But I wasn’t happy. I wasn’t passionate about my job. Every Sunday evening, I would have that dreaded feeling in my stomach knowing that tomorrow will be Monday and the weekly cycle begins once again…
I felt empty. I felt as if something was missing.
At the same time, I was afraid on many levels, all of which seemed to conflict with one another.
I became anxious at the very idea of the life purpose question. I was afraid to ask. I was afraid that I wouldn’t have an answer.
“Sorry, everyone else has a life purpose but you!” I would imagine someone saying to me.
And even if I knew what my purpose was, I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to make a living at it. I imagined the worst: not being able to pay for rent and food.
But on the other hand, I was deeply afraid of missing out. I was afraid of continuing my present existence for the next 40 years, only to look back with regret.
I felt stuck and held back… I was a ball of fear and uncertain of what I should be doing next.
I was afraid to explore. I was afraid of making the wrong decision. I mean, how do I know for sure I’ve found my purpose? Or chose the right path? I was afraid of lost time and missed opportunities.
Then one day, I started to look for answers.
I’ve spent thousands of dollars and days after day attending workshops, reading books and trying various exploration techniques.
Eventually, I got clarity on what I wanted to do with my life. I got clear on what my personal mission was. And I understood what I was working towards.
I was able to gain an in-depth understanding of myself, my values and my life goals. And this understanding has guided me till this day.
Today, my daily experience is completely different than the “stuck” version of myself from years ago.
I bounce out of bed every morning, excited for the day. I am doing deeply fulfilling work that is in alignment with my values, desires and mission.
I actually look forward to Mondays instead of dreading them.
And yes, I am actually making a very comfortable living doing this work—much more than my stable day job from years ago (still hard for me to believe).
Most importantly, I no longer feel lost, stuck, and unfulfilled. And I no longer have the fear of regret, because I am creating and living my dream with every passing day.
It’s wonderful.
I have distilled these learnings through practice and experience down to a few highly actionable steps.
In Discover You Now, I walk you through the exact steps I personally use to gain this in-depth self-understanding. Along with the specific processes I use for work and lifestyle design.
When you make decisions from this place of heightened awareness, clarity and understanding, you end up making exceptional decisions that will lead you to more satisfaction, meaning and fulfillment.
Additionally, I will help you put this new level of self-understanding into action. We will be designing work for you that not only will “pay the bills”… it will also be in alignment with your values and interests.
We will then create an action plan for making your dreams a reality.
And lastly, I’ve included a pep-talk for overcoming fear and resistance from taking massive action. You will learn how to follow through and get it all done.
It’s jam packed with actionable and valuable goodness.