Welcome to Simply Tina


Photo: Vanessa Paxton

Think Simple Now posts have always been in the format of in-depth articles on personal development. As such, I don’t consider it a blog, but rather a free web publication on personal wellbeing.

Simply Tina is a personal blog where I’ll be posting much more liberally and casually. The topics will consist of a larger range of subjects, including: updates of my progress in this new lifestyle, traveling, business lessons, blogging, passive income, the 4 hour workweek lifestyle, startups, empowering mindsets, photography, and useful resources.

Subscribe here for updates from this space. Thanks again for your readership and continued encouragement.

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6 Responses (6 Comments, 0 Trackbacks ):


  1. 1

    Tina, I think it will be really great to see different sides of you, in a different format. Looking forward to it!

  2. PeaceLoveJoyBliss


    Tina, I don’t normally drool with anticipation, but I’m happy to make an exception with Simply Tina.

    And yes, I promise not to get any of it on you.


  3. 3

    This should be interesting. I expected you to put this on a separate domain but I actually think doing it like this is a good idea :)

  4. Sophia Pham


    Can’t wait to see your new site. I wonder how differently you will express yourself with this site….It appears that a lot of things have happened to you, so in a way this site might become your journal?

  5. 5

    Hi Tina,

    I’d be looking forward to reading more “casual” posts from you!


  6. 6

    Hey Tina, I’m glad you started the personal blog. Keep posting! Cheers!

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