We’re in the Press + Other News


Lots of exciting news at Think Simple Now headquarters. In addition to having two new contributing members (lisa and scott) to the TSN team, we’ve had some press coverage.

1. Glamour Magazine

Glamour Magazine in the June 2009 issue.

The coverage was for their annual salary survey article in the Life & Happiness section for the magazine (page 124).

For those curious to know, I was contacted one year ago, answered a series of questions, they came up with a quote to best fit their article, and I approved the quote.

Since the article came out many months after its original planned date, the quote was modified many times by the editors.  At one point, it mentioned my trading in a six figure salaried job to have flexibility and freedom to follow my passion, and then later it mentioned me cutting costs by switching from my cell phone to skype, etc. 

I didn’t have a whole lot of control over what was quoted or how it was quoted. So technically, I did not actually say, “I get to work at home and no boring meetings, ever!”  The editors added that to spunk it up.

In all, I am very thankful for having had the opportunity to be quoted. I am now asking the universe for more such opportunities in traditional press (let me know if you have ideas).

2. Yes Magazine

Yes! Magazine had a small feature about Think Simple Now in their Winter 2009 issue (Issue 48) on Sustainable Happiness (page 37).

The feature was written by an editor of the publication in late summer of last year, based on articles she saw on TSN and Google web stats I had provided for her.

See the article online.

3. Book Mention

Think Simple Now and myself were mentioned as a sample case study for the online personal branding section in the book “Tell Me About Yourself” on page 174, published in April, 2009 – written by Katharine Hansen of Quintessential Careers.

4. Amazon Kindle

Think Simple Now articles are now available to be subscribed to on the Kindle – Amazon’s wireless reading device.

For 99 cents a month, you can have specially formatted TSN articles delivered to you, and stored on your Kindle. Support us and subscribe here (Free 14-day trial), and if you could leave a kind review (even if you don’t own a Kindle), I will LOVE you for it.

On an interesting note, Jeremy did the photos of the Kindle on the Amazon site.

5. Updated About Pages

We’ve updated the much needed about pages for Think Simple Now:

  • About page – to include a more up-to-date description, social media links, bios of the team and contact information. Be sure to scroll down to read the bio descriptions for Blackie and Tommy – all in good fun.
  • About Tina page – much of what I had posted prior to the update was no longer relevant. I have grown so much since the start of this site, and the description badly needed this update. This page was pretty much re-written. Check it out.


There are some exciting new projects coming up on the horizon, I can’t wait to tell you about them.  Keep an eye out here and on TSN for announcements.

In other news, I’m heading to India in three weeks for a month long spiritual retreat.  While I’m gone, I will not be blogging.  If you are interested in submitting a top-notch guest post, send it to Lisa (lisa@thinksimplenow.com).

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13 Responses (12 Comments, 1 Trackbacks ):


  1. 1

    Hey Tina, it seems like you really do have lots of exciting things in store on your site! How wonderful to be able to go off to India for one month on a spiritual retreat in the midst of it all – and to have a team running things for you here! Hope you have a restful time during your retreat.


  2. 2

    Tina, That’s all really great stuff. I’ve wanted your stuff for the Kindle for some time now. I’ve been copying the text of your posts and emailing them to my kindle so that I can enjoy them when I want from the Kindle, but now I don’t have to. Sweet!

  3. 3

    Hey Tina! Congratulations on all your coverage in the press! It’s terrific to know that you will be going on a spiritual retreat – I’m also heading on a 10-day spiritual retreat sometime in July. It’ll be great to hear about your insights and revelations during your retreat, so please do share with us when you are back!

  4. 4

    WOW!! I am so impressed and happy for you! Your blog is awesome and you deserve all of the wonderful things coming to you because of it. You’ve been such an inspiration to me and I thank you for that! :)

  5. 5

    I loved the quote on the guru’s website:

    “I am not here to prove I am Divine. I am here to prove YOU are Divine.”

    We goddess worshipers live by a similar thought (among others): Our Charge of the Goddess” says, “… if that which you seek (i.e., Her), you find not within yourself, you will never find it without.”

    Have an amazing time… you will be missed “out here” in the internet tubes! :-}

  6. 6

    Congrats! I wish I could do that and just leave technology behind for one month – will try that when my children are older and able to cope without mommy for extended periods. Congrats on the publicity, it helps drive traffic as well as provide something different and interesting for people to read. I subscribe to your blog and read it regularly. Thank you.

  7. 7

    Congratulations on your success! I loved reading your thoughts. Just wanted to say that I’ve added you to my “simply” blog club blog list!

  8. 8

    Wow congrats Tina! I’ve been reading your blog for a while and I love it, you deserve it. I love Glamour mag so I did see your little blurb, that’s crazy how it wasn’t exactly what you said but it’s a big achievement none the less! Looking forward to your future posts. :)

  9. 9

    Conagratulations on all of your success. You are an inspiration to everyone. Have a great trip and I’ll look forward to hearing about it when you get back!

  10. 10

    I would subscribe to the Kindle articles if they were available for us in Europe…! They are not at the moment :(

  11. 11

    wow…i ve just discovered your blog from my friend’s recommendation from her facebook. Your blog is truely inspiring! Good job and keep it up. btw You look beautiful in the wedding pic..and your hubby too..:))

  12. 12

    So happy to see you doing well, and truly enjoying life.
    Always enjoy stopping by your website,
    as it feels like checking in on an dear family friend.

    Wishing you continued success.

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