How to Find Passion in Your Job

Are you in a stage of loving your life so much that you would pay money to live it? If not? What can you do about it? A common question asked is, “I really want to feel that way, but I’m just not passionate about anything. How do I find passion?”
A friend of mine asked me that question a few weeks ago. He has a high paying job and what appears to lead a full and fulfilling life, complete with volunteering and interesting hobbies. But he felt that something was still missing. He was looking for his purpose and genuinely wanted to find his passion. “I like a lot of things, but I don’t have any passions. How can I find passion, Tina?” This is a great question, and one that got me pondering about the topic. This article specifically looks at finding passion in your job.
This is part two of my notes from Professor Srikumar Rao‘s google talk, along with my personal thoughts on the topic. You can find part one here: How to Make Profound and Lasting Change.
The Problem
Most of us make the mistake of assuming that our ideal job is out there somewhere, and we have to go out and find it. We tell ourselves that our lives will be great, just as soon as we find it. As a result, we end up defining our ideal job using a widely accepted, but arbitrary, set of parameters. How much the job pays, job title on your business card, type of person our boss is, size of our office, how much we get to travel. We say in our minds, once I can find that, then I can be passionate about my job. Chances are, that job probably doesn’t exist. Assuming that it did exist and we were put into that situation, within a few months, we will probably be back in the same state we are now. Unsatisfied.
The Secret to Passion
Passion do not exist in the job, it exists within us. Either we find it in us right where we are, or we will never find it. Only within us, can the passions of our soul shine through. The best place to start igniting that passion, is where you are, right now.
The beautiful thing is that if you ignite passion within you from where you are, the external world has a miraculous and magnificent way of rearranging itself to suit the new person you are becoming.
The Unhappiness Spiral
Every time we are unhappy with what we are doing, or we feel frustrated, angry or disappointed, two things are always true:
- We are concentrating exclusively on the two or three things that are wrong with the job. We ignore the 30 or 40 things that are pretty good about it.
- We are living completely in a Me Centered Universe. We tell ourselves, “Oh, poor me. Poor me. How unfair this situation is.” We start to view our lives as if everything existed as to make things more difficult for us. We focus entirely on how the world affects us. It is impossible to live a truly fulfilled life if we are living exclusively in a Me Centered Universe.
Exercise: How to Find Passion in Your Job
We all have the innate power to transform ourselves and our life situations for the better. Most of the time, it is as simple as a shift in our perspective. The following is an exercise to help us get out of that space consumed with negativity about our present situation. The exercise is tailored to finding passion in your job, but it really applies to every area of life.
- Take a notebook with you at all times.
- Systematically noting down things that are pretty darn good about your job. Things you enjoy. Things you are grateful for. Co-workers you like.
- Take one thing from this list that is important to you and significant to the company. Come up with a simple one month project where you will be increasing that component in your daily life. Example, if you work with a few pleasant customers, then the project could be: how to get more customers like that? Or, how to get our current customers to be like that? Or, how to get more work with those pleasant customers?
- Do something every day to help you accomplish your projects goal. It’s best to do this in the morning as a priority item, but anytime during the day will give you a boost.
- Evaluate your progress at the end of the month. Give yourself more time if you need.
Through actively practicing the exercise above, you will discover that there is an enormous amount that is great about your job and your present situation. The act of noting down the things you like, will take you to a different space. If you continue with points 3-5 consistently, by the end of the year, you will have completed as many as 6 projects that are important to you and are significant to the company.
This exercise forces you change what you focus on, which changes your perspective and outlook. You will find that you are no longer in the job you dreaded, your entire professional life has changed and your ideal job has grown around you. Recognize that you were the creator of that ideal job and the creator for this positive space you are currently living in.
Parting Words
Sometimes, we spend so much of our free time thinking about how much we dislike our current situation that we forget that what we repeat in our heads becomes our reality. The more we repeat that story, the more we reinforce that story. As we reinforce the story, we identify with it and it changes your perspective. What we often do not realize is that these stories we tell ourselves are hurting us. One of the best gifts we can give ourselves is to recognize that we are not our stories, and to becoming aware of when our mind chatter starts telling these stories.
We are never as stuck as we think. We are never as ‘incompetent’ as we think. We are never as insecure as our minds have us believe. Practice being the observer to your mind, thoughts and stories.
What is one aspect of your job or life situation that you are unhappy about? What are some things (name several) you enjoy about your job or life situation? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below. See you there!
Great post! Great blog!
It is both humbling and encouraging for me.
Keep it up!
Eric :)
You write beautifully and passionately. Thank you for sharing your gift.
Contentedness is a state of mind. As you evolve to where external forces and activities no longer effect how you think and feel, then no matter where you work or with whom, you cn choose to be happy. If, however, you aren’t happy inside yourself, then only you can figure this out, and only you can ultimately do what it takes to change it.
So, what about the old saying, do what you love? Doesn’t hold true anymore?
This is really interesting post. We have all components right now. Passion is a strong desire indeed. Thanks for the valuable information.
Have a fulfilling life.
From coolingstar9
“So, what about the old saying, do what you love? Doesn’t hold true anymore?”
The point of the article is not don’t do what you love, it is focused on creating as much passion as possible in your current situation. So for those looking to potentially change jobs (but can’t yet due to financial obligations) or just enhance their current job it is some useful advice.
Jarrod, I couldn’t have said it better. Thank you!
Wow! This is excellent – and a great discussion…
I just posted a link to it on a post I wrote called How Much Money is Enough about a really cool story from The Four Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferriss.
Rick Butts
I was just talking about this with my friend the other day.
It’s amazing how much better your work becomes when you inject your passion into it – its pointless to do something you don’t love.
Beautiful Tina!
Keep up the good work.
This is my first visit – I’ll be back for more…
All the best from Thailand
I must say… I love my life. I tend to whine and complain, but actually when I started reading self development blogs, I realized how happy and fulfilled I really am! So I am grateful to the blogosphere for that. :)
I am still working on letting go of perfectionism and I also need to stop comparing myself to others. So it’s still a work in progress, but generally… I’m as happy as a clam. ;)
Wonderful post. I am so glad that I stumbled onto your great site. I talk a lot about passion and personal accountability on my sites, and agree that we need to find it within. Not just for work, but for all things in life. Thanks for that nice post.
I’ll use your tips to deal with the problem and see what happens.
Thanks for sharing.
Hi, im a long time reader. Nice note and i bet this can help me with school and other things i dread.
Just wondering, where do u get those colorful pictures you show at every post you make?
thanks – jef
Hey Jef! I get the pictures either from a friend on flickr or I purchase them from istock photo. I include a link after each image state where I got them from, and if from flickr, I include their name as well. I love matching pictures to posts, and spent much time on it (about an hour per image). :)
Lemme know if you have any other questions.
I love the very specific, proactive steps you outline in this post. I imagine that it will help me to re-focus my energies at work and in projects at home. I know that I feel a great deal of contentment when I accomplish a task, this should reinforce the focus on the positive ones and increasing the number of those in my daily life.
‘Passion do not exist in the job, it exists within us. Either we find it in us right where we are, or we will never find it.’
I like this quote. This is what I should read and practise to feel better about my current (boring) job.
I don’t know. Sometimes changing the situation IS more important than changing the attitude.
good ideas worth reading but some times u can help it if your boss is toooo bossey
Very informative & motivational post!
I do agree with you that passion does not exist in the task; we have to be passionate enough to achieve the desired results.