The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success
Yes, I experienced it, I really did; the intense feeling of true happiness and success. Not just temporarily, but extensively for an uninterrupted period of several months. This was simply the most significant ‘achievement’ of mine: finding clarity, peace and happiness in a hectic and high-demanding life. This phase took the entire first half of 2007 and I came out the other end with much insight and understanding about myself and my purpose.
I have never felt so complete and content as I did during this period. With the most rewarding being the absolute stillness I felt within myself and the understanding that we can be truly and absolutely happy with living a simple life with very little material possession. Now, if this is your first visit here, this may sound a little mystical and hand-wavy. No, I am not a hippy, nor am I religious. I am just a girl, going through life, seeking that which we are all seeking: happiness.
What is my secret to happiness and success?
The Inspirations
The catalysts which pushed me into this phase were four books, for which I am extremely grateful. These books are:
- The Power of Now, By Eckhart Tolle
- The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, By Deepak Chopra
- Ways of the Peaceful Warrior, By Dan Millman
- Guaranteed Solutions, By Swami Nithyananda
I have gained so much wisdom through these books and each time I read them, it wasn’t the words which I was reading, but rather the message. The words from these pages brought me to a higher level of conscious awareness.
The Lifestyle
During the 6 months, I habituated several practices which helped me move into newer levels of understanding. My daily practices included:
- Meditation – Sitting in silent and calming my mind. 20-30 minutes a sitting. Twice a day.
- Listening to Meditative Music – Music have the power to shift our moods and calm our minds. I was particularly fond of Stan Richardson’s Japanese Flutes. Everyone who I’ve played it for love its calming effects.
- Vegetarianism – I was a raw vegan. You can read about Steve Pavlina’s current experiment with a raw diet. I loved the new gained energy I had. I did eat cooked food when dining out, but I refrained from eating meat.
- Mindfulness – I made a conscious effort to put my full awareness into anything that I was doing. Walking to work, preparing meals, eating, drinking water, listening to others talk.
- Being Inspired – I spent an hour a day reading or listening to something inspirational. I even hosted a weekly Eckhart Tolle meet-up group where we watched Tolle DVDs, meditated and connected with other people. This turned out to be a deeply enriching experience.
- Self Dates – I spent a lot of time with myself by myself. I overcame the need to be with other people and the fear of being alone.
- Daily Focus – From “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success“, I broke the seven laws for each day of the week and focused on one each day. (more details below)
- Creative Expressions – photography, drawing or writing.
- Slowed Down – I stopped rushing from place to place, task to task, and started enjoying the miracles of Life; one moment at a time.
This may sound a little extreme, and I was indeed extreme. But I felt a compelling desire to do so, I felt a strong pull towards these practices, in order to satisfy a yearning from deep inside for peace, clarity and understanding.
What Is Success?
“Success in life could be defined as the continued expansion of happiness
and the progressive realization of worthy goals.
Success is the ability to fulfill your desires with effortless ease.”
– Deepak Chopra
Success is a topic I’ve spent many hours pondering and I’ve come to realize that it is so much more than just material wealth. Material wealth is only a small portion of your collective success potential. It is an experience as part of our journey as spiritual beings and yes, material wealth may make this journey more comfortable, but let’s not neglect the other dimensions of success: the success of sound physical health, fulfilling relationships, meaningful friendships, joy of self-expression, freedom from fear, the capacity to understand people and self-mastery.
Living The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success
In Deepak Chopra’s book, “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success“, he gives us a spiritual look at success. You can have an extensive look at each law in his book, which goes into extensive detail. Here are the seven laws along with an example application found in the book:
1. The Law of Pure Potentiality
“The source of all creation is pure
consciousness… pure potentiality seeking expression from
the unmanifest to the manifest.
And when we realize that our
true Self is one of pure potentiality,
we align with the power that manifests everything in the universe.“
Example Application:
- ‘I will practice non-judgment. I will begin my day with the statement, “Today, I shall judge nothing that occurs,” and throughout the day I will remind myself not to judge.’
2. The Law of Giving
“The universe operates through dynamic exchange…
giving and receiving are different aspects of
the flow of energy in the universe.
And in our willingness to give that which we seek,
we keep the abundance of
the universe circulating in our lives.“
Example Application:
- ‘Wherever I go, and whoever I encounter, I will bring them a gift. The gift may be a compliment, a flower, or a prayer. Today, I will give something to everyone I come into contact with, and so I will begin the process of circulating joy, wealth and affluence in my life and in the lives of others.’
- ‘I will make a commitment to keep wealth circulating in my life by giving and receiving life’s most precious gifts: the gifts of caring, affection, appreciation, and love. Each time I meet someone, I will silently wish them happiness, joy, and laughter.’
3. The Law of Cause and Effect
“Every action generates a force of energy
that returns to us in like kind . .
what we sow is what we reap.
And when we choose actions that bring happiness and success to others,
the fruit of our karma is happiness and success.”
Example Application:
- ‘Whenever I make a choice, I will ask myself two questions: “What are the consequences of this choice that I’m making?” and “Will this choice bring fulfillment and happiness to me and also to those who are affected by this choice?”‘
4. The Law of Least Effort
“Nature’s intelligence functions with effortless ease . . .
with carefreeness, harmony, and love.
And when we harness the forces of harmony, joy, and love,
we create success and good fortune with effortless ease.“
Example Application:
- ‘I will practice acceptance. Today I will accept people, situations, circumstances, and events as they occur. I will know that this moment is as it should be, because the whole universe is as it should be. I will not struggle against the whole universe by struggling against this moment. My acceptance is total and complete. I accept things as they are this moment, not as I wish they were.’
- ‘Today my awareness will remain established in Defenselessness. I will relinquish the need to defend my point of view. I will feel no need to convince or persuade others to accept my point of view. I will remain open to all points of view and not be rigidly attached to any one of them.’
5. The Law of Intention and Desire
“Inherent in every intention and desire is the mechanics for its fulfillment . . .
Intention and desire in the field of pure potentiality
have infinite organizing power.
And when we introduce an intention in
the fertile ground of pure potentiality,
we put this infinite organizing power to work for us.“
Example Application:
- “I will make a list of all my desires. I will carry this list with me wherever I go. I will look at this list before I go into my silence and meditation. I will look at it before I go to sleep at night. I will look at it when I wake up in the morning.”
6. The Law of Detachment
“In detachment lies the wisdom of uncertainty . . .
in the wisdom of uncertainty list the freedom
from our past, from the known,
which is the prison of past conditioning.
And in our willingness to step into the
unknown, the field of all possibilities,
we surrender ourselves to the creative mind
that orchestrates the dance of the universe.“
Example Application:
- “Today I will commit myself to detachment. I will allow myself and those around me the freedom to be as they are. I will not rigidly impose my idea of how things should be. I will not force solutions on problems, thereby creating new problems. I will participate in everything with detachment involvement.”
7. The Law of Purpose in Life
“Everyone has a purpose in life . . . a unique
gift or special talent to give to others.
And when we blend this unique talent with service to others,
we experience the ecstasy and exultation of our own spirit,
which is the ultimate goal of all goals.“
Example Application:
- ‘I will make a list of my unique talents. Then I will list all the things that I love to do while expressing my unique talents. When I express my unique talents and use them in the service of humanity, I lose track of time and create abundance in my life as well in the lives of others.’
- ‘I will ask myself daily, “How can I serve?” and “How can I help?” The answers to these questions will allow me to help and serve my fellow human beings with love.’
How to Live the Seven Spiritual Laws?
Since there are seven principles, I focussed on a different law for each day of the week. Each morning, after waking up, I would read the law for that day and go over the three applications suggested. I would go about my day with these applications in mind.
I’ve found the applications to be a powerful exercise and served as an excellent reminder for where I wanted to be. In doing so, I felt a level of calmness that cannot be expressed in words.
I used seven index cards, and wrote a law on each one, and the respective applications on the back of each card.
Download: For your conveniences, I’ve created this set of cards in digital format for you to print out and try out for yourself.
(Download DOC Format) (Download PDF Format)
Book: I highly recommend getting a copy of the book. I bought mine as a used copy from Amazon for about 50 cents.
What is your definition of Success? What has brought you the most happiness from your experience? Talk to us in the comments, we’d love to hear from you. See you there.
Fantastic article Tina.
I must confess I have not read any Deepak Chopra, but I think I have had at least 5 people within the last month recommend him to me. He seems to have written a number of books though…. at least now I know which one to start with :)
Thank you, Tina, very inspiring!
As a Christian, who takes his religion for serious (that’s not so usual [almost here in Europe]), I know all these principles in other words. But the message is the same.
It’s hard to implement and to practice these principles. But your article inspires and motivates me to continue to try and to practice! My practice is not so institutionalized like yours, so I can’t describe my best-practice. But on my way!
Hi Tina,
Thank you for the cards. I must implement at least one of the principles TODAY!
Your post blown me away. I have gained so much knowledge from your writing. You really deliver, my friend. :)
Attracting the best,
Raymond Chua
Awww, thank you Raymond. That’s so sweet. I appreciate your readership and friendship. :)
Hi Tina,
I really like this one. I also must say I’ve enjoyed many of your posts. You break them down so well, it’s impossible not to get something of value from your writing.
I noted your reading list, particularly as the title intrigued me. Not seeing what I thought I might see, I read on and enjoyed your post.
As for what I wondered. I’m now convinced you would also enjoy “DaVinci Decoded: Discovering the Spiritual Secrets of Leonardo’s Seven Principles” by Michael J. Gelb.
Let me know what you thought if you get to read it.
Great post, thanks!
it sounds likes your period of bliss and happiness came to an end. if that’s true, then what happened?
Hi Jon,
Great question. Several things happened: I got into a relationship, I started a business, I was getting more photography work, I started this blog. The additional load resulted in less time committed in doing the things I was doing during that period of time. I’m still happy and periodically connect with that feelings of bliss, but it’s no where near as intense of continuous.
One of my goals for this year is to simplify my life even more, to reduce some responsibilities and to start practicing some of these routines that feeds the soul, again. I’m sure you can relate with me, how things get so busy sometimes that we stop or do less of the things we should be doing (ie. exercise), and we let that excuse continue and before we know it, we’ve developed a new habit: a habit of not doing the things that’s good for us.
Thanks for this question. Part of writing this post serves as a reminder to myself, of what’s most important: my wellbeing. … and how I need to create the time to work on me. Only when I’m well, can I be of service and help to others. :)
the best part about this article is the opener where you say you’ve found your happiness. congratulations.
also – millman’s book is awesome. his 3rd though is much better writtem, he really improved as a writer. if you liked the 1st one, definitely check out the others.
So the first half of 2007 was wonderful…what happened in the second half?
Hi Chris,
I’ve answered the same question to Jon above. :)
The second half is still wonderful, but in very different ways. In the second half, I’ve gained material success and fulfillment, I’ve developed amazing relationships (with my partner and my wonderful readers) but realized that I’m not as connected with myself spiritually. I will work on finding a good balance between the two. First, I need to reduce the load on my plate. :) I’m working on that as we speak. I will be going on a spiritual and creative sabbatical for several months very soon.
once again with the timing Tina
before I logged onto your site, I was thinking about what it is I was looking for in my life.. how to achieve the degree of content within myself and my life that I seek
I have learned a lot thus far and I know theres so much more to learn – such as the 7 spiritual laws you listed here (thanks)
Its amazing just how much richer your life and your happiness can be when you choose to live a conscious life
Sans the vegan thing *smile* I think I’m on board.. I still strive for that balance but I’m closer
and I’ll check out these titles you mentioned .. hmm.. at some point.. my bedroom library already has an itinerary waiting for me every night
anyway, excellent posting once again
lol @ you’re not a hippie
I get it.. I feel like I need to make that disclaimer somewhere myself :)
Hi Tina,
I totally agree with your points about
Dating yourself and not rely on others to make you happy.
I have the same experience as you. When I finally broke free
from needing to be with someone to be happy and fulfilled
I cannot express how happy I am, the kind of happiness and
peace within is so good. The difference between needing and
wanting to be with someone makes such difference in my life.
Now I can want but I don’t have to need, so I can also do without.
The next point is not always rushing from one place to another,
which was my case too. Now, I have learned to be still and to be calm, and I have never felt so happy and peaceful before in my life.
I will never want to go back to my past “rush hour” life anymore.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences in these
Tina, you are fantastic. I love that you write about eating raw, too — I am in transition to a raw vegan diet myself. How come you stopped doing all these things?
Good Morning Tina!!!
“I accept things as they are this moment, not as I wish they were.” This was a strong point for me. I can totally relate, and I will use this quote to further my daily awareness. It has a power that allows the release of worry!!!
Thank you and have a lovely day!!!
Great stuff Tina…I recently read The Power of Now on your recommendation…and it had a very profound impact on me. I also love Deepak, have read many of his books, and have had the pleasure of meeting him.
Once you catch a glimpse of this “magic” you are referring to, it is hard to ignore and makes you want to become more and more conscious.
I recently wrote an article regarding 12 practical ways we can become more conscious, you can see here:
Thanks again for great piece!
Todd Goldfarb
We The Change
Instead of speaking and analyzing all those things, you should better spend your time to enjoy them all.
Peace & Love Everytime
Tina your writing and your picture definitely come across as you’ve found and are living great happiness, I’ve been inspired…
Last year in my attempt to simplify my life, i think the biggest move was to quit my 9-5 and starting out a new venture on my own. It is a completely a new chapter that i’m now living in and every single minute of it is filled with purpose and true direction.
When you mentioned about the content and stillness in your heart, I can definitely resonate with what you said, I hope 08 is even a greater year in your journey…
Do we really need Deepaks brand of “opium for the people” to create happiness ? Anyone with real spiritual teachings doesn’t setup a business to spread their word. Hint – see Buddha, Jesus, Mohamed, Krishnamurti for details. If they want money, they are a fraud. Simple.
On a very different note, I have in the past undertaken a similar lifestyle and can report that I felt a deep contentment and happiness but found it all very safe and boring. Maybe some of us are addicted to the drama of discontented lives.
I know the first three laws, money , money , money, the other three are here,
i the world of spiritual practices, these experiences happen to almost everyone, it is a great gift, and it is a phase that passes. this can be deeply regretted, confusing, or simply wistful an a bit sad. but the next phase is really wonderful, because in that, spirituality turns out to be real life.
traps? yes, possible…. trying to recapture the experiences can last for years, or taking on an identity of “being spiritual” can keep one stuck, and in some cases “being spiritual” is one of the most iron-clad defenses against transformation that one can find.
the secret? “god”, life, won’t let you stay in the same place forever, and this is often painful, and also the greatest thing about life…
so, enjoy, it is all grace, even the mundane and banal and the crap
I just reread Deepak’s Success book about 3 times. I really enjoyed it. It’s very easy to read and concise. The part on nonjudgement i’ve found very usefull and challenging. I never realized how much I judged people, places, things, and situations. Now I just say “it is what it is”. In a way Im more passive now. He says why we shouldnt judge because it blocks the flow or clouds the mind which slows the flow between the self and the Self. The Bible says not to judge either, for the same purpose I believe. Anyway, the whole book is very practical.
Thank you for making the cards, they’re printing as I write.
Somewhere in the transition from college to career, I lost site of meditation and spiritual mindfulness. I’m glad to have found your article, it inspired me to sit down and meditate for the first time in over a year.
For the last four months I’ve made a habit of writing down goals for life, the year, month, week, and day, and turning them into small positive mantra’s in the morning. The only thing missing was a reminder of spiritual mindfulness, an infusion of thoughts focused on that which is greater than myself. I’m glad I’ve found a way to start!
As for your question about success,
“Success in life could be defined as the _continued expansion_ of happiness and the _progressive realization_ of worthy goals.
Success is the ability to fulfill your desires with effortless ease.“
For me it is not the attainment of desires, but the progression towards it. A progression of sound mind, body, and soul.
“Each time I meet someone, I will silently wish them happiness, joy, and laughter.”
Profound Stuff! I had the honor of speaking to Dr. Chopra recently and it was truly amazing… Best, Brad
This is the first time I am reading your blog and I loved every bit of it. It has sown the seeds of self-improvement inside me. I will make all the effort towards it.
Thanks for that fabulous article.
Great blog!!! :)
* I Hope this helps,
The Transitive Property of Equality:
If A=B and B=C then A=C
And Hell is the absence of GOD,
Then Hell is the absence of LOVE.
GOD is Omnipresent
and GOD is LOVE.
Therefore LOVE is Omnipresent.
And where there is LOVE,
HELL cannot exist,
Because Hell is the absence of LOVE.
God is Omnipresent
Therefore Light is Omnipresent
Therefore Darkness cannot exist,
Lest it be in our MINDS.
“Let there be light”
Great post. Mr. Chopra e Mr. Tolle are doing a great missionary work of wisdom communication and they’re always an inspiring source for our practical living towards a better being. The “example” words you wrote are specially useful to understand some concepts that may be hard to understand at first. Thank you, Tina.