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How to Be The Luckiest Person

Photo by Anna Gay

I have a confession to make. And that is…

I am the luckiest person in the Universe.

This is my little secret. It’s a secret because it sounds like magic fairy dust and flying unicorns, and generally makes me sound crazy.

When I moved into my first apartment in college, I remember telling my flat-mate Tanya I am the luckiest person in the world and she looked at me like I was a weirdo. Now, ten years later, if she hears me repeat this to someone new she will nod her head in agreement, while saying “Yup! I’ve seen it. It’s true.”

Somewhere in my teenage years, I had picked up this simple concept: that perhaps, if I viewed myself as a lucky person, good things would happen to me. In a way, it has become this self-fulfilling prophecy that feels incredibly calming. At the same time, it has brought a lot of good fortune into my life.

You know how some people always notice how “unlucky” they are? Or how “hard” life is? Well, I too notice these things, but I do my best to turn that helpless, defeated feeling around by confirming to myself that I am the luckiest person in the world, and to look for the good from the situation.

I don’t know about you, but it just feels better. It’s empowering and it gives me hope. And that positive expectation from hope then snowballs into countless happy circumstances. I will then make sure to take notice of these happenstance and use them as evidence to confirm that I am, indeed, lucky, and that good things, indeed, happen to me.

I take notice when incredible things happen–whether big or small. And I use it as an opportunity to be gracious, while repeating with a smile, “I am the luckiest person in the world. Good things happen to me. Everything is falling into place perfectly.”

I know this may seem naive and some may even label it as selfish. But I don’t care. Within the confines of my own mind, behind the lens of my perception, this is my Universe. This is my story. And I can tell it however I want.

Which brings me to the point of this article: so can you.

You too are the luckiest person in the Universe. Seriously.

Don’t believe me? Try telling yourself this story for the next two weeks, and I bet you will notice a whole new realm of possibilities. Suddenly, you will notice just how much abundance is flowing your way—unexpected gifts, unsuspecting help, happy coincidences and just plain good luck.

Trust me. I’ve been playing this game for over 10 years. I tell you, this stuff works.

Besides, it feels all warm and fuzzy inside when I think about it. Just for a second there, close your eyes and imagine: You’re in a place that makes you happy, and someone just handed you a crown for being the “Luckiest Person in the World.” Notice, how you feel as the crown is placed on your head and the world concurs.

Doesn’t that feel good?

This mantra can also come in handy when you’re having a bad day. The last time I was in a panic over a business dealing, my husband used it on me. He said to me, “Remember, you are the luckiest person in the world. Don’t let anyone pressure you into anything. Good things happen to you. Remember that.” That calmed me, almost instantly.

And so, whenever I start to feel self-pity (as we all do from time to time) or sadness or injustice, I’ll bust out every last ounce of discipline and force myself to repeat, “I am the luckiest person in the Universe. Good things happen to me. Everything is happening for my highest good. And I am safe.” I’ll continue to repeat this in my mind, until I feel an inner shift towards a better space.

Sometimes, I’ll even list out all the reasons and evidences for why I am lucky. I’ll list everything I am thankful for, starting with my breath. Sometimes this exercise will get so intense that I’ll be left in a pool of tears, soaked in that space of utter gratitude. No thoughts, just gratitude. Just that space of love, swelling from the center of my being.

I feel it now.

You know, more than anything the purpose of this post is to remind us that life really is very good. And that I am thankful to be alive — thankful for all the exciting experiences. Thankful for the love within me and surrounding me. Thankful for all the opportunities for growth. Thankful for all the good people who have helped me and who continues to help me.

And it is through this space of unequivocal gratitude and recognition that I am beyond lucky, out of which everything I have ever wanted has manifested itself into physical reality. Everything.

The world that we live in is truly abundant and magical. Take notice and you shall see it.

Next time you’re feeling stressed, or unhappy, or uncertain, remember my little secret mantra. Whisper in the privacy of your mind, “I am the luckiest person in the world. Everything is unfolding for my highest good. I am safe.”

Try it. :)

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About the author

Tina Su is a mom, a wife, a lover of Apple products and a CHO (Chief Happiness Officer) for our motivational community: Think Simple Now. She is obsessed with encouraging and empowering people to lead conscious and happy lives. Subscribe to new inspiring stories each week. You can also subscribe to Tina on Facebook.

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32 thoughts on How to Be The Luckiest Person

  1. Tina, I LOVE this! It just shows the power of a great mindset…And is a funny little synchronicity for me. I’ve had some random, wonderful experiences and connections lately – I guess I must be the luckiest person in the Universe too! :)

    Your positivity rocks. Thanks for sharing!

  2. There’s a saying in Spanish that goes “Algunos nacen estrellados, y otros con estrella”.
    It is a word game for the similarity of those two words. It means “Some are born with a star, and some are born crashed.”
    I always repeat myself that I was born with a star, even through the bad times.

  3. Isn’t it great – I am also the luckiest person in the world! We can all be lucky! I definitely believe you can create your own luck.

    I would seriously love to interview you for my upcoming book – Lucky Bitch – it would be a perfect synchronicity (of course). I’ll send you a private message.


  4. Wendy

    Awesome post! I am totally using this for at least the next month while I’m freaking out about learning my new job!

  5. What perfect timing you had on this post! I had something really wonderful happen to me … something I worked very hard to achieve … and when I told a friend she said, “You are so lucky!” I thought it was kind of an insult considering it wasn’t “luck” that made it happen, it was hard work and good choices. But now, reading your post, I have a new perspective. Maybe it is good to consider oneself lucky. And perhaps I will try it!!! Thanks for the insight. I love this site!

  6. LAF

    I know I’m blessed… and maybe that is “lucky”. It’s mostly just good ol’ fashioned positive thinking. If you wallow in the bad, bad things become prominent… good things follow those that notice.

  7. Maribel

    Brilliant post! Always looking for ways to keep positive thoughts and visuals in the forefront of my mind and negative ones out. This helps tremendously. Thanks!!

  8. Kai

    Such a great post. I have had moments where I live in the I’m am the luckiest person alive attitude but it’s usually when things are going well. :)

    I like the idea of this being the default go to attitude regardless of what’s going down. I believe it’s powerful and I’m excited to give it a try.

    Thanks for reminding us just how magical the Universe is.

  9. Gonna have to try this for sure. Thanks for sharing!

  10. What a magical concept Tina and so lovely. Your writing is flowing so eloquently too. Gratitude for life, and it’s beauty do make one feel incredible. It’s a beautiful world ! Thanks for the reminder.

  11. Did I ever need to hear that. I am sitting waiting to hear about the adoption of my second son after weeks of waiting and it will be the perfect mantra for me as I am being asked to be patient as the legalities unfold. Some days fear takes over that he won’t come home and I will be heart broken. Instead I will remind myself how blessed we are and how lucky to even be consider the right family for this little one. Thank you the mantra will be used well!

  12. Tracy

    The Power of Attraction at its best! We attract what we think. This is my Universe, and I choose for it to be AMAZING, therefore, it is just that! Thank you for sharing.

  13. Amy

    Tina, I wrote down your mantra and will be saying it for the next two weeks. After dealing with years of infertility, it’s easy to get down and feel unlucky while viewing people with kids as lucky. Hopefully this will help make me feel better and turn my luck around.

  14. What a great reminder and mantra! Many years ago when I was a “road warrior” for the travel industry and lived out of a suitcase, I was at a trade show in Atlanta. As the show was closing the producers held a prize drawing for the exhibitors – very cool! My mantra at the time … nice, but “I never win anything.” A man came up to me and said I am the luckiest guy you’ll ever meet – if you let me put my arm around your shoulders I can guarantee you’ll win. What the heck, I did … and won $500. Now it would be easy to assume he was a sort of “shill” and that was a set up. But I chose (and still do to this day) to believe that what he said was true. And, now I’m sticking a post-it note on the corner of my laptop that says “I’m the luckiest person in the world.” Thanks for the inspiration!

  15. I believe this affirmation works perfectly. In years ago, before I know the concept of LOA, I said to my self often too much that I have bad luck and God knows what had happened in my life until recently.
    Now, I’m affirming to my self the exact same words you put in this post, ” I’m the luckiest person in the world”. I know this will work out perfectly like what I did in the past with ‘bad luck’.

  16. I often say “I am the luckiest woman alive”.

    After years of aloneness, I finally grew to the woman I could be and attracted a partner that MET me.

    It first took me growing into my own greatness.

    Your blog is a good reminder about how we view our self. It is the choice of thought, then acting on that thought.

    I look forward to more of your blogs.
    Cheers Hunter

  17. Hi Tina. I love the idea that you set the internal tone with your mantra of being the luckiest person in the world. That does so much to get the brain to kick in and think, “Well, if I’m so lucky and this feels so lousy, there must be something I’m missing!” Then we are free to find the positive in the midst of the not-so-positive.

    Thanks for sharing!

  18. The luckiest person in the universe

    Hi Tina!

    Thank you for this contribution. I really needed this today. You already posted this some days ago, but today I opened it and I just needed this right now. I just received some letters (7 out of 8) that I was rejected for a job application. So, I am so lucky that I know you and read this post at this time. Now I know I am lucky to have this thing happening to me, because it happens for a reason and contributes to my happiness. It’s hard to believe, but who knows; maybe the 8th lettre will give me approval and will get me the best job out of that 8. And if not, well, maybe I have to learn some more stuff where I work right now.

  19. Tina,its great to think of yourself as the luckiest person in the universe.
    and I think we should all be proud of the fact that we’re previledged to experience life in the first place.It is unfortunate though most of us forget this fact and seem as if we’re waiting for the creator to “pinch us” a little to get it.

    Great post.

  20. What a great article. You have put into words what I have struggled to describe most of my adult life. I absolutely believe what you say as I have lived my life the same way with the same results.

    Rain clouds clear up the moment I pull into the park. Parking spaces free up right in front of the store during Christmas shopping. A $20 bill appears in the coat pocket of my winter coat from last year just as I need it. One of my best friends calls me the day I need them most.


  21. rachel

    I know, Tina, that none of your staff, or even you will appreciate my sharing these thoughts outside your parameters, but still I am going to try, just to see if free-expression passes into your lives, thoughts, practices and teachings:


    This is my little secret. It’s a secret because it sounds like magic fairy dust and flying unicorns, and generally makes me sound crazy.

    Misinforms about what is a secret. A secret is a secret. No one knows except the holder its content.

    And you, Tina, from what I have followed in your descriptions of your life and your life’s experiences are an Asian woman that has tried and is trying to shape her life, thoughts and acts in an environment outside of her deep conscious tendencies.
    You are in becoming.
    You are not in stability.

    In becoming is helpful for your readers who are ‘in becoming’; as most of them are.
    In stability from you is not helpful because you are not: Jeremy and the fruit of your womb are the prime examples for us.

    To present yourself as a model of stability does not help any of us who want a model and yet you offer yourself as one– and so you create in all your creativity and words of inspiration a depression. Nothing does and never will exists stable as your say it can be when we see that you yourself are not stable as you would like us to believe in you words.

    And at this point I will stop this appeal with a word to your censurers:

    I am going to send this message in many ways in many sites and blogs and you (your censurers) will not be able to stop me always.
    My people and we innocent and seekers must hear this and we all believe that you Tina Su without Jeffrey should recognize us and this without a financial worry. Your little one will grow and prosper, as will you, without our being censored.

  22. Wow. Thanks for the post Tina… I really needed to hear that.

    I am very grateful for all the good things in my life (now and in the past) but I really need to practice this every day.

    I’ll definitely take on board what you have said. Cheers.

  23. rachel

    Wow! I made it through. Something has changed there in never-neverland.
    Thank you. My rants do not come often. Another is not in the brew.
    I appreciate you.

  24. radiant

    This posting is all about “attention”. Where you put your attention into, creates your reality. Our brain can only process so much of the gazillion bits of information it’s assaulted with every moment. So it is selective. It has built-in filters to process that information. Beliefs and values are filters. “I am lucky” is a filter.

    There’s no secret to that really. Of course it is a secret to those who didn’t know until now.

    Tina, I like your simple and compelling prose.

    Allowing contrarian views is healthy. I agree with a couple of those I’ve seen in your visitor comments. It keeps me grounded. It is easy to get carried away by your words, your passion and enthusiasm. You are achieving your intention of spreading happiness. That’s a compliment. It does not mean it is the truth that people should buy into.

    I think it is good to remind people every now and then that life can be a dark, gloomy day, but the sun will always be there above the clouds.

    Sometimes when you are unhappy, stressed or uncertain it is your unconscious mind telling you to stop and listen, rather than your conscious mind running the show all the time. Sometimes the best thing to do is just embrace it, not fight it. Clarity them emerges without forcing positive emotions. Recognise that your unconscious mind always has a positive intention for you.

  25. This was good timing! Turns out research (actual research) is being done by trying to quantify luck.

    But the mindset you have is so much more important. I gotta do it. I gotta do it.

    The question for me is, “How do I instill this very form of thinking in my kid — without setting them up for the disappointment of just ‘magical thinking’?”

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