A Time of Reflection

Happy Holidays to you and the ones you love! Thank you for being a part of the Think Simple Now community, and welcoming me into your lives.
Looking back on the year, didn’t it seem like it flew by in a blink? While it is easy to point out missed goals, time wasted, and many of life’s other disappointments, it is also just as easy to choose to see the beauty, the blessings, the gifts and the miracles we’ve received this year. If you find yourself at this crossing, choose happiness.
Let’s take this opportunity to take a few deep breaths and reflect on the year’s many gifts. Here’s a simple meditation I like to do:
- Find a comfortable place to sit where you won’t be disturbed.
- Close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths then breathe normally. Completely put your focus on your breath, for a few minutes.
- Bring your attention to the top of your head. Do this for 10-20 breaths.
- Bring your attention to your heart or the center of your chest. See if you can sense your heart gently pulsating.
- Put your hands on your chest, and feel your chest expanding and contracting as you breathe.
- Using the power of imagination. Think of, or imagine, or hear all the things you are grateful for. It can be anything: people, experiences, compliments, material things, gifts, surprises, relationships, opportunities, and simple things we take for granted – like our home and health. Be as specific and as detailed as you can.
- As we visualize or hear each thing we are grateful for, feel the feelings of love expanding from our hearts. Don’t worry too much about doing this perfectly. Just do what comes naturally and go with the flow, enjoy the experience of love within you.
How did that feel?
During this time of reflection, I like to ask myself two questions. I have found that writing them down can be quite powerful in acknowledging all the gifts I’ve received this year, and in solidifying my dreams.
1. What are you grateful for this year? What are some things you are grateful for from 2008? What miracles, blessings and gifts popped into your life? What did you learn that contributes towards your personal wellness? What did you gain that can benefit you and your family?
2. If you could have one wish come true for the coming year, what would it be?
Here are some answers from my own family.
Tina (picture: center):
1. This year, I’m thankful for: having freedom of time, seeing India, surviving and then thriving through tough decisions, finding Blackie, spending time with family in China, meeting Derek, simplifying my life, experiencing true love, and having the support of incredible readers who move me to tears.
2. One wish: Spiritual growth and a consistent routine to commune with my inner self. A prolonged state of inner peace, wisdom, connection and clarity is what I am seeking.
Tommy (picture: left):
1. This year, I’m thankful for: regular trips to the beauty parlor (aka the bathroom) for grooming, and spending time with Helaina and her family (aka Tommy’s heavenly resort) while mommy was traveling.
2. One wish: Blackie would disappear so I could have all the attention again.
Blackie (picture: right)
1. This year, I’m thankful for: Emigrating to America into a warm home. For having treats and toys. For the opportunities to pick on Tommy and lick his face.
2. One wish: To perfect potty training, so I’m not spending as much time in the crate.
** What about you? What are you thankful for this year? What is your one wish? Share your thoughts in the comment section! Can’t wait to see them!
Happy Holidays, From My Family, To Yours.
The Think Simple Now team at home.
Think Simple Now’s Greatest Hits (2008 Edition)
To celebrate a great year at Think Simple Now, here, are the top ten most-visited (based on traffic) posts of the past year:
- 20 Ways to Attack Shyness
- Train Your Eyes to See Color, Again
- Dealing with Difficult People
- 8 Keys to Instant Charisma
- How to End a Relationship
- 15 Simple Ways to Overcome Anger
- 38 Creative Gift Ideas
- Dream to Reality: How I Quit My Day Job
- How to Keep a Relationship
- How to Be Outstanding
High traffic isn’t the only measure of a good article. Sometimes, a great article just doesn’t cater to a large enough audience, but truly matters to a few. Here are the ones closes to my heart:
- Train Your Eyes to See Color, Again
- I’m Sorry, I Don’t Know, I Can’t …
- How to Achieve Anything
- Dream to Reality: How I Quit My Day Job
- How to Organize Mental Clutter
- The Simple Life
- How to Be Outstanding
- 15 Tips for Writing Effective Email
Elsewhere Online:
- Simply Tina – My personal blog. Subscribe here.
- Empowered Quotes – Motivational and inspirational quotes from my personal quote book.
- Facebook Group – Become a fan on our official facebook page. (Additionally, my personal profile is here.)
- Twitter – You can follow my twitter updates here.
I look forward in supporting your journey as we welcome a new year filled with opportunities for massive change, exciting transformation and an abundance of joy. Life is so beautiful… as long as we choose to see it!
Wishing you a safe, warm and happy holiday break!
Before we go, show me that beautiful smile of yours! :) Thank you.
Happy Holidays!!
Happy Holidays to you and yours!
You’ve had a great year. You’ve got several journeys and experiences under your belt, with plenty of room for more. Your India and China adventures were awesome. Mostly though, you’re on your path and that’s a cool place to be.
I love how you’ve made this such a straightforward process, Tina. Thank you! Normally, I go through Best Year Yet at about this time of year, but I’m going to try out your process instead because I love how you’ve presented it in such a usable way. Thank you and happy holidays!
Happy Holidays Tina!
Thank you for sharing your journey with us. Reading about your ups and downs and practical ways to live true to yourself have truly inspired and motivated me to life my own life in a way that allows my divine being to shine through. I’m excited for 2009 for it is the year of great big changes and breakthroughs…for everyone!
Happy Holidays Tina, and a Happy New Year! That family picture is so precious! ;D And I say that in a totally manly way. 2009 will be the best year yet!
Happy Holidays Tina. I had picked up lots of valuable information from Think Simple Now and it had really help me in terms of my personal growth. Once again, thank you. :)
Grateful for: Being able to improve myself. Developing the courage to say and do things I would have dreamed of. Discovering the confidence to overcome any of my internal and external issues.
One wish: That everyone else be as happy or happier than myself.
Merry Christmas and Happy holiday, Tina. :)
Thank you for all the generous sharing on your blog. ;)
Oh Tina, you speak for Tommy and Blackie so well. Now look what you’ve gone and done; you’ve turned me into a jiggling bundle of giggles! :-)
Best wishes for a spiritually evolved new year,
Awww, your photos are so inspiring, just like your words! I love seeing you with Blackie and Tommy! :)
I really appreciate you Tina, and wish you all the best for the holidays and the coming new year!
Lots of love,
Gosh, your meditation makes it so much easier to experience and find the gratitude.
Just to sit and list the good things over the year is difficult, but in quietness they flow.
Thank you for sharing this.
Tina, Happy Holidays!
May the year ahead bring you lot of joy, warmth and sunshine!
Have a fantastic holiday and the warmest blessings to you and your family.
Lovely. Keep it up in 2009~
Happy holidays too, Tina.
Thank you for your great articles all this time. I have not read all your articles indeed but the ones I read are all very useful.
I wish you all the best and continued success in the upcoming years. :)
When I read your question, “If you could have one wish come true for the coming year, what would it be?” it made me a little nervous. I found myself thinking, “Just one?” and “What is it going to be??” “What can I possibly ask for this year??”
I really feel so blessed in my life, and I also feel like when you put words to what you want, the manifestation begins. So the pressure comes, at least for me, in being very precise in what I say and what I think. (My recent blog post on affirmations states why, although I post about thoughts and their meaning all the time.)
HOWEVER, having gotten my little bit of anxiety out of the way with your GREAT question, I can see how it’s really such a great exercise and so important to simply put the intention out – for yourself, for others, for the universe.
Thanks, Tina! Keep up the GREAT blog work!
Happy New Year!
Hi, Tina!
Very beautiful picture.
Happy, happier, happiest New Year :)
Happy Holidays, Tina! I love the family pics!
Hey Tina,
i just came for the reflections article, ended up spending 2 hours on your site! great stuff! My favourite was dream to reality..
OH. MY. GOD. Tina Su.
-You are the most ADORABLE thing God ever created!!!
=>Right Now, as we speak,
Broccoli Kitten:
Capucine: http://www.wonkydonky.net/archives/2008/11/say_hello_to_yo.php
are both looking at your picture at the top of this post and saying to each other, “Yup. Goddamn; Tina Is kinda cute.”
:D :D :D -Happy Holidays!
How about how to create a to-do list, something really pertinent seeing as the new year is upon us.
Cheers Teenz,
Taking a “deep breath” is an effective way to begin to step back and rethink what is important in your life. You remind youre readers that joy begins in the heart and we can each find that within ourselves. May 2009 bring you to realize meaningful experiences that stretch you and continue to teach you what it means to be human.